Italian Phrases and dialogues
Hi, in this page you can learn italian phrases, words and dialogs about different situations of daily life.
Italian idioms – Learn italian ways of saying : Learn italian slang. Here you can find italian idioms, italian proverbs and ways of saying to improve your italian.
Presentarsi – To introduce oneself : Learn to introduce yourself in italian ….
Conversazioni al bar – Conversationat the bar – Lern to how to order a drink,ask to the people what they want to drink ….
Chiedere indicazioni – Asking for directions – In this video lesson we’ll learn to ask for directions in italian Language
Al ristorante – How to order food in italian – Learn how to order the main course and Others courses, asking fo the bill….
La giornata tipica – Daily routine – In this lesson we’ll learn to describe a daily routine in italian language
La casa – The house – Objects in the house
Phrases and words in italian #Summer edition ! – Phrases and words in italian that might be useful when you are on holiday in Italy.
Phrases for shopping in italian – Video lesson – New ! Hi friends, in this new video lesson, we’ll talk about shopping. We’ll learn useful phrases and words for shopping in italian. Luca , today, is at the clothes store in Italy to buy a jacket. He’ll explain how to speak in italian when we are in a clothes shop.
Telephone conversation in italian – New ! In this video lesson you can watch a telephone conversation in italian, with formal and informal phrases. We’ll learn how to have a conversation in italian at the phone in the best way for all situations.
Useful italian phrases at the hotel –
Hi friends, in this new video lesson ” Useful italian phrases at the hotel “, I would help you to learn some common italian sentences that can be helpful to book a room at the hotel in Italian language. If you are a tourist in Italy , you need to know the best italian phrases for a turist . You have to know how to ask information about your room, prices of the hotel, ask if there are tv, wi.fi, room service and other useful things.
Conversation in italian between doctor and patient – New ! In this video lesson you will learn how to make a conversation in Italian at the doctor. It could happen that might have needed medical attention while you’re in Italy, so you have to know some phrases and words in italian that can hepl you to explain to the doctor how you feel.
Mezzi di trasporto – Transport Under costruction
Servizi e uffici – Services and offices Under costruction
Alimentazione – Feedeng Under costruction